Online platform for wellbore data management and interpretation.
Collaborate anytime, anywhere.

Users from multiple locations can work together on a single shared-project in real-time

Saving cost with
flexible pricing scheme

Consultants, Service Providers, Operators ... can save a significant amount of cost with i2G weekly, monthly or yearly pricing schemes.

Easily organize your messy and scattered project data

Project data (well, datasets, plots ...) and their related flat files (excel sheet, doc, pdf, images...) are stored in an unified online platform and can be linked together allowing users quickly find related items (i.e., find plots belong to a certain report ...).
Furthermore, a strong metadata system and tagging capability allows users searching data very quickly as well as organizing data neatly.

Intuitively visualize and create your petrophysical workflow

With the ability to visually connect, disconnect, rearrange, disable, enable various calculation blocks, users can save a significant amount of time when customizing their multi-well workflows.

Manage all frequently-reuse parameters and templates in one place for quickly retrieving and reusing

All parameters estimated during data interpretation process can be stored in a central place for later use.
Users can quickly load and propagate these existing parameters to the new workflow at zone, well, or project level. This helps users not have to re-estimate parameters for every new workflow, resulting a significant time saving.

Zone and marker template control system allows a consistent display and fast creation

Users can quickly create a new zone/marker based on a customizable template library. When there is a need to adjust any zone/marker, users only need to do it one time from a central location and these changes will be updated throughout the whole project, resulting a consistent display and time saving.

Intuitively predicting data using most popular machine learning algorithms, no coding needed

Machine Learning Toolkit is a powerfully simple browser-based, visual environment where no coding is necessary. Users can drag and drop data from multiple wells or multiple projects to train the models. The toolkit supports linear regression, classification, non-linear regression, and Self Organizing Map.

An AI system which can predict depositional facies. Save both cost and time for an equivalent quality

Based on the combination of machine learning and a set of expert rules, the AI depositional facies predictor can provide data-driven, re-producible and consistent results at a much faster speed than doing the interpretation manually. This results in a significant time and cost saving when dealing with a huge dataset including many wells.

Process thousands of wells with advanced calculations using Python

i2G Python programming environment allows users process their data without limitation. Users can quickly deploy advanced solutions with any built-in Python library. Batch processing capability saves a significant time for large-scale projects. With hundreds of API, users can easily access all data objects (wells, datasets, curves, properties, plot ...) without any coding required.

Build-in chat support for instant communication

Users working on the same project can instantly communicate with each other without the need of any external chat app. This improves the team working productivity.

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