Pc and SHF

The core analysis suit of apps (Pc modeling and Saturation Height Function) is designed as a useful tool for i2G™ users to establish Capillary pressure versus Saturation or Height versus Saturation models by capillary pressure data and saturation from special core analysis. In i2G™, The capillary pressure modeling allow users to QC the raw data from several measurement methodologies, to apply corrections for overburden stress, for clay-bound water, to convert from laboratory to reservoir condition or among different types of fluid and rock properties. From input as array data with Capillary pressure, their associated Saturation and plug petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability), multiple Sw versus Pc functions can be derived. i2G™ offers users several empirical methodologies to build saturation modeling:
    • J-Leverett function
    • Corey-Brooks function
    • Thomeer function
    • Lambda function
The established model of Pc versus Sw can be used for formation characterization or in other words, rock typing and Flow Unit characterization.
    • Pore throat size distribution
    • Displacement pressure
    • Estimation of Permeability
    • Assessment of the degree of heterogeneity
The saturation workflow is design for easier approach and users are assisted by a sequence of steps which they need go through one by one to accomplish the tasks. In i2G™, saturation workflow consists of several steps in 4 main stage:
    • Data preparation and QC:
In this stage, users are offered an intuitive input form to enter their raw data from special core analysis. Then, users can select some correction methods to apply for the data. Afterwards, the data can be converted to reservoir condition to get ready to be used in building a model. These minor steps are:
      o Data input
      o Correction
      o Transformation
    • Build saturation model:
In this stage, i2G™ offers users several empirical functions to fit their converted data and some regression equations to get the regression coefficient and relative equations for further use. Full equipped cross-plots are used in this stage to assist users in their interactive manipulation.
    • Output:
After accomplishing building a model, users can save their project or export their result to an external file. i2G™ supports users some extension such as .csv, .txt for exported file