We are pleased to announce that 13 academic licenses of i2G Platform have been granted to Petroleum Geosciences & Remote Sensing Program (PGRS) at the College of Sciences, University of Sharjah – the 1st ranked university in UAE. This marks the beginning of our collaboration with the University to develop students’ skills in advanced cloud-based solution, especially Machine Learning and AI for geoscience.

With an equivalent of $USD 612,300 annually, these licenses have full access to the platform with all available apps as below:
- Machine Learning Toolkit: intuitively predicting data using most popular machine learning algorithms
- Python Editor: designed for geoscientists to quickly deploy any advanced solutions
- Well Insight: application for full-spectrum petrophysical interpretation
- Project and Corporate Database: a one-stop solution for managing messy and scattered subsurface data throughout your organization
- Basemap
The platform is licensed exclusively for teaching, tutorials, and non-commercial research.